Wednesday 20 May 2015

Pansi Museum

Beaded waist, arm and neck pieces with different stitches and patterns.
All of these peices are worn by females of different age groups in the Zulu culture and some are accessorized with brass stud material to enhance their value.  

Zulu traditional beaded accessories with bright colours and geometric patterns.

Zulu woman traditional outfit, with beaded accessories and Impala horn pendant. 

Zulu beaded waist belts for ladies, added as accessories on a black Isidwaba (leather skirt) and on red fabric material

Rickshaw hat with beaded accessories and painted Nguni cattle horn.

Wooden hand carved and painted fighting sticks

Wooden hand carved walking sticks and knobkerries accessorized with telephone wire and steel studs.

Hand woven grass baskets with geometric patterns.

Painted umgibe (Grass mat hanger).

Iziqhaza (ear-clips), painted and studded.

Telephone wire woven vase.

Imbenge (the lid), made from telephone wire on a traditional beer pot with carved out patterns.

Ibheshu (loincloth) accessorized with steel studs and reflective lights.
Isihlangu (shield)

Walking sticks accessorized with telephone wire and brass studs

Fabric material bags, accessorized with beads and tassels.

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